The Bulldog Breed Council Health Scheme is intended to be an assessment of the natural health and conformation of the dog.

Owners should send with their applications full details of any operations their dog has had so that it can be decided if this is likely to have an impact of the results of the assessments.

Depending on the level applied for many things are not likely to be considered relevant and will not affect the issuing of a certificate but if information is not disclosed and at a later stage any dog is found to have undergone surgery that could have altered the results of any test e.g. soft palate reduction, surgery for Entropion and others, the Breed Council may decide to withdraw any awards given and in extreme circumstances the Breed Council may decide on a period of exclusion for an owner from participation in the scheme.

All documentation should have the dogs microchip number on.

How to Health Test your Bulldog

  • Make sure your bulldog is Kennel Club registered.
  • Make sure your Bulldog is microchipped/Tattoo marked.
  • Your bulldog must be 12 months old for Bronze/Silver Level and 24 months old for Gold Level
  • Test Must be undertaken by one of the participating vets.
  • ​You only need to pay once for all levels.

The test must be completed by a Vet on This List

To begin you need to download and print 2 copies of the form - the vet needs to keep one copy


*IMPORTANT NOTE: Forms will no longer be processed if received by post from 30th September 2023. If you have an old version of the form please redownload an up to date one to be completed on line only





All Bulldogs to be tested from 12 months.

All examinations indicated on the Bulldog Breed Council Health & Conformation form are non-invasive.

All dogs to be assessed by one of the Bulldog Breed Council Approved Vet

Copy to be sent back to Health Administrator: All documentation must have the dogs microchip number on

A Bronze Health Certificate will not be awarded if the dog does not meet the following criteria:

Heart – referred to a cardiologist (if any abnormality found).

Eyes – with any conditions that are detrimental to the dog’s health.

Any sign of aggression.

Spine – any palpable abnormality will be referred for further investigation and X-ray. (eg: Spina Bifida)

If the information is not clear and is any way questionable, the anonymous form (identified only by certificate number) will be presented to Bulldog Breed Council whose decision is final.

Once the dog has achieved a clear form without the issues listed above, the Bronze Level Health Certificate will be issued and sent to the owner it will also be listed on the Breed Council website.

All data collected from the Bulldog Breed Council Health & Conformation Form, will be used at the Bulldog Breed Council Health & Conformation meetings for future surveys and general health information. (all certificates will be identified by number only)


All examinations indicated on the Bulldog Breed Council Health & Conformation Silver Certificate are non-invasive.

To apply for the Silver Level the following requirements have to be met:

To have been awarded a Bronze Level Certificate.

Clear results on eye examination recorded.

To have Putnam Test (Grade 0-1)

To have an HUU DNA test of Clear/ Carrier (certificate copy sent in, which includes

Microchip/tattoo number)

To have obtained a RFGS (Grade 0,1,2 (BOAS))

No adverse tail problems (inverted or lack of tail will fail Silver level)

Any undesirable characteristics as applied by the Breed Standard.

Not to be monorchid or cryptorchid.

Not to have blue or green eyes.

Not to be of a colour not recognised.

Not to be a Dudley

Once the dog has achieved all the above, a Silver Level Health & Conformation Certificate is issued and sent to the owner it will also be listed on the Breed Council website.


All Bulldogs to be over 24 months.

To have been awarded both the Bronze and Silver levels.

BVA or ECVO eye Scheme – copy of certificate. Clear results on eye examination recorded. Test to be done at 2 years of age or over.

Heart screening by qualified Auscultation approved Veterinary Surgeon. (Grade 0)

RFGS (BOAS) (Grade 0,1) **changed on 29/9/2016, 01/07/19 see below**

Copies of the certificates which include Microchip/tattoo number of all the tests to be sent in.

Once the dog has achieved all the above, the Gold Level Health and Conformation Certificate is issued and sent to the owner it will also be listed on the Breed Council website.

​**Note: Cambridge University Veterinary College have established a grading system for Bulldogs as from 21.09.2016.

From 01.07.19 the Bulldog Breed Council Health and Confirmation Scheme will include the RFGS (BOAS) on the silver level as well as the Gold level. To qualify for the Gold the RFGS grades should be done at 2 years or over.

We understand that most people would not willingly put their dogs under general anaesthetic, but if the situation does arise, the results of the following tests and the data they would provide would be invaluable to the future of the breed.

Gold stars will be awarded for:

  • Spinal X-Ray (Thorax area).
  • Heart Doppler examination.
  • HUU Clear
  • Kennel Club Stud Book Number
  • UK Champion
  • RFGS tested in the chamber at Cambridge University (Grade 0,1)

If you are having trouble with the forms or need help completing please let us know here and Tania will help guide you through the process

NOT GOT YOUR CERTIFICATE EMAIL? Firstly check your Spam Folder but if you can't find it drop the Web Master a line and it can be resent to you